ISO Consultation Certification Services

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ISO 45001:2018- OHSMS Lead Auditor
ISO 45001 replaced OHSAS (Occupational Health And Safety Management System) 18001 on 12 march 2018,OHSAS 18001 was worlds former reference for workplace health and safety . Organizations already certified to OHSAS 18001 are in transition period of three years to comply with new ISO 45001 standard
ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems-Requirements with guidance for use,Provides an effective set of processes for improving work safety in supply chains globally.This is designed to help organizations irrespective of its sizes and type of industries,the new international standard is expected to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses around the world
Benefits of the new standard:
ISO 45001 helps organizations to put in place an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. This will help them to reduce the OH&S risks and improve their OH&S performance by developing and implementing proper policies and objectives with ISO 45001
The successful ISO 45001 depends on leadership, commitment and participation from all levels and functions of the organization.
Factors that affects the implementation, maintenance, effectiveness and ability of this standard are :
- Leadership, commitment, responsibilities and accountability of top management
- Top management which supporting the intended outcomes of the OH&S management system
- Good communication
- Consultation and Participation of workers
- Allocation of the necessary resources to maintain OH&S
- OH&S policies impementation , which are compatible with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the organization
- Effective identification of hazards, controlling OH&S risks and taking advantage of OH&S opportunities
- Evaluate performance and monitor the OH&S management system to improve OH&S performance
- Integrating the OH&S management system into the organization’s business processes
- OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S policy and take into account the organization’s hazards,OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities
- Compliance with its legal requirements and other requirements
Demonstration of successful implementation of this document can be used by an organization to give assurance to workers and other interested parties that an effective OH&S management system is in place. Adoption of this document, however, will not in itself guarantee prevention of work-related injury and ill health to workers, provision of safe and healthy workplaces and improved OH&S performance.
The level of detail, the complexity, the extent of documented information and the resources needed to ensure the success of an organization’s OH&S management system will depend on a number of factors, such as:
The organization’s context like. number of workers, size, geography, culture, legal requirements and other requirements
- The scope of the organization’s OH&S management system
- The nature of the organization’s activities and the related OH&S risks.
The new ISO 45001 standard is based on the common elements found in all of ISO’s Management systems standards and uses a simple Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model, which provides a framework for organizations to plan what they need to put in place in order to minimize the risk of harm. and these measures should consider the risk that will cause long-term health issues and absence from work, as well as accidents.
The key changes in the proposed standard are:
- It provides Guidance and safer working envirnoment to governmental agencies, industry and other affected stakeholders .
- An easy-to-use framework
- Applied to both captive and partner factories and production facilities, regardless of their location.
- Applied for any organization regardless of size and type
Reduce workplace incidents
Insurance premiums will reduce
Reduce excessive absencs of employees and staff turnover,this will increase productivity
Create a culture of a health and safety, helps employees to take an active role in their own OH&S
Strengthen leadership commitment to proactively improve OH&S performance
Helps to meet legal and regulatory requirements
Enhanced company reputation
Enhance the confidence ,enthusiasm and discipline of staffs
The Nbiz GO-AIM-HIGH methodology was developed to provide the continuous success for every clientle’s project. It represents the Nbiz Team Consultants activities during the involvement from the initial phase until the last phase to conclude the project successfully.
The acronyms on the GO-AIM-HIGH methodology are already tested, applied and proven methods by the Nbiz Team Consultants during the implementation of the project. These are the activities performed which represents the corresponding phases during the project implementation.
We are delighted to provide you the detailed explaination of our GO-AIM-HIGH Methodology on the below illustration.
G – Gathering of Data
The first step in the IMS Consultancy is gathering of data. In this, our consultants will be gathering all different types of relevant and existing records that are already with the client.
O – Organizational strength and weakness identification
The second step is aiming to identify the organizational strength and weaknessess.
A - Analyze and review documents, current processes and procedures
The third step in the IMS Consultancy is to conduct Gap Analysis of the current structure of the company which includes review of documents, processes and procedures in order to determine compliance to the required Management System standard. It is through this step that consultants and the company's key personnel can collaboratively formulate appropriate plan and activities to respond to gaps identified against the standard.
I-Improve, create and implement processes and procedures
The fourth step of the IMS consultancy is based on the gaps identified during step 1
Improvements and/or creation of documents meeting the requirements of the standard shall be initiated by the consultant in close coordination with the company’s key personnel. Documents shall include policies, manuals, procedures, forms/templates, instructions, etc. The documents created/improved shall be meeting the standard requirements and shall be suitable to the business activities and culture of the company. The company’s authorized representative shall review the documents and must be approved by the Top Management before issue. Additionally, Nbiz Infosol consultants shall guide companies to implement the set procedures and processes in order to comply with standard requirements. Appropriate trainings shall be provided to key personnel in order to provide or develop competence in the implementation of the system.
M-Monitor, check
Once standard is established, Nbiz Infosol consultants shall guide companies to monitor performance as per the required standard through performance measurement, check compliance and conformances through audits and inspections. Nonconformance shall be identified, reported and recorded accordingly.
H-Handle non-conformities
As part of the monitoring and checking, Nbiz Consultants shall assist companies in reviewing and re-assing their environmental aspects/impacts and occupational hazards and risks. The review and re-assessment shall be done on a regular basis or as per requirement of the ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards.
I-Implement corrective actions and recommendations
Once the nonconformities are identified, Nbiz Infosol consultants shall assist companies to identify root causes, implement corrections, corrective actions and preventive actions for nonconformance. Recommendations shall also be considered for continual improvement.
G-Generate reports
Reports shall be generated in all phases of the consultancy. Nbiz Infosol recognized that reports and records are essential to prove evidences of performed activities. Reports shall be properly channeled and submitted in correct and appropriate formats.
H-Head towards certification
Once, documents, procedures and processes are already established and implementation is considered adequate, Nbiz Infosol shall facilitate for the certification process of the companies. Nbiz Infosol consultants shall render support during all phases of the certification audits starting from planning with external auditors, during the actual audits, closing of the nonconformance and follow-up audits.
Scoping on the required scope of certification. The general information required for the application and scoping are as follows:
Initial System Study on the relevant field of certification applied and interested for, involved activities of the organization, no. of employees and the details on the available technical resources, any related subsidiary/entities.
Any related information within the organization that will effect on the requirements to fulfill the conformity related processes, consultations on the management system, and requirements on seeking the certifications.
Submission of the required and improved documents to obtain approval and certification from the authorized certification body.
- Coordinating Audit Plan – Our consultants will closely facilitate on the schedule communicated by the client. The audit plan will be prepared by the certification body and communicated to the client.
Submission of the required and improved documents to obtain approval and certification from the authorized certification body.
Facilitate to close NC’s – Our consultants will be assisting on developing and enhancing the identified non-conformances by the Auditor of the certification body.
Facilitate in submitting non-conformities to certification body – Upon the identification of non-conformities, the consultants will be facilitating on clearing and completing all the identified non-conformities of the client to be submitted to the certification body.
Co-ordination for approval of non-conformities and releasing of certificates from the certification body and providing the certificate the client.
Nbiz Infosol provides ISO Certification in UAE in co-ordination with many leading certification body which are internationally recognized to help our client on achieving any relevant ISO Standards.
The phases on the above diagram explains only the commonly used processes/activities in order to provide a clear summary explanation/objective during the certification process.
Nbiz Consultants Team will facilitate mostly on gathering the requirements, coordinating on the schedule, as well as submitting the requirements to the certification body.
Nbiz Infosol will not have any control/influence on the schedule/decision by any Certification Body.
Kindly note that there are extra phases involved on each relevant standards that the Certification Body Representative may add and apply whenever necessary.
1. Phase I - Application and Scoping on the required certification.
The general information required by the Certification Body Representative for the application and scoping are as follows:
- Initial System Study on the relevant field of certification applied and interested for, involved activities of the organization, no. of employees and the details on the available technical resources, any related subsidiary/entities.
- Any related information within the organization that will effect on the requirements to fulfill the conformity related processes, consultations on the management system, and requirements on seeking the certifications.
2. Phase II - Audit Planning
- Identification of Audit Criteria, scope and objectives.
- Audit Schedule preparation
- Co-ordination with clients regarding audit details and logistics.
- Preparation of checklists, audit formats, etc.
3. Phase III – Stage 1 - Certification Audit
The Certification Body Auditors will perform the following:
- Certification Body Representative will gather detail for the company’s background/information and reviewing the existing documents to understand and evaluate the company’s set objectives, policies and procedures.
- Assessing the processes in place and comparing on the set objectives is being facilitated by our consultants in order to know if it is aligned within the organizations objectives.
Phase III - Stage II – Audit (On-site)
- Opening Meeting
- Audit execution and identification of non-conformities
- Closing Meeting
- Follow-up Audit
- Audit Closure
4. Phase IV - Certification approval process is to validate the organizations system compliance and implementation. The certification can be a useful tool to boost the company’s credibility. This will also demonstrate that the products and services are being met along with the customers’ expectations. On every organization the certification is a legal or contractual requirement.
5. Phase V - Surveillance Audit - are being performed after a year of the certification. The purpose of the surveillance audit is to check if the standards are being implemented and maintained.
6. Phase VI – Re-scoping/Change of Scope – this is to continuously evaluate the continual fulfillment and improvement of all the required and relevant documents within the management system standard. In case there are changes to be implement on the new services/processes/products or regulatory authority’s requirements, changes required from the Top Management the Phase III – Certification Audit shall be applicable.
7. Phase VII – Certificate Renewal – the re-certification renewal demonstrates that the organization is continuously striving for improvement into the implemented Management System in order to achieve and meet the client’s satisfaction and regulatory authority’s requirements/expectations.